Case Study: Curriculum writer provides more phenomena-based activities & gives more feedback to international students

July 27, 2022

Curriculum writer provides more phenomena-based activities & gives more feedback to international students with Pivot Interactives

Gail Hamel-Smith is a teacher and curriculum writer at a Maple Leaf Education System School.


Gail Hamel-Smith is a teacher and curriculum writer at a Maple Leaf Education System School. As a part of the Maple Leaf, Hamel-Smith emphasizes academic excellence within a supportive community by building on students' "desire to develop an understanding of the world, to share their knowledge, and to communicate their

understanding, thoughts and feelings."( **from Maple Leaf Schools' philosophy). With other pressing responsibilities, she was looking for a way to help her Chemistry students understand the world & learn from phenomena, without adding to her plate.

District Facts & Figures

**Data from Maple Leaf Schools

Type: International, Private

Enrollment: 46,000 students

Over 110 schools across North America, China, & Asia Pacific


Provide students with more activities that are relevant, phenomena-based and give quick feedback, so they understand & learn better.


96% of Hamel-Smith's students felt Pivot Interactives was relevant to their course. 93% of Hamel-Smith's students said the Pivot Interactives activities were easy to follow      Increase in timely, personalized feedback for students

Through Pivot Interactives, Gail Hamel-Smith provided her students with phenomena-based experiences that she otherwise couldn't have.

Because she did not have to consider set-up time, purchasing materials, or other preparation, she could flexibly respond to her students progress. As they learned new information, she quickly found pivots based on her students' needs to use the next day.

"[Pivot Interactives] makes everything we learn much more clear to me." - Student of Gail Hamel-Smith

Students received immediate, personalized feedback, which helped them hone in on their mistakes. Hamel-Smith was thrilled that she had reduced workload AND students got feedback faster.

Gail Hamel-Smith now provides her students with more relevant, phenomena-based activities and gives quick, personalized feedback. Students understand, make connections, and learn better, without adding to her plate.

Learn more about using Pivot Interactives for Districts and for Teachers.